Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Cell phones

Just when I thought I had technology lined up with the intent of my day.. life.. morning..
my cell phone began ringing and vibrating. It is a big deal for me to remember where anything is, so the phone is set on high and rings forever, giving me time, plenty of time to find it.
As I got closer to the source of the sound, it sort of faded.. and then disappeared? What the? And then I saw it. It had vibrated off the counter into the cat's water bowl.
This is not good. In fact, I think I can safely say, that, without completely giving over to despair mind, this is a bad thing.
I also missed the call.
I pulled the phone from the water, opened it, and gave it a good shake. I wonder why I thought that would help. I took out the battery and dried it. I pushed a bunch of buttons, orderly at first and then randomly, like a short circuited crazy person. I wonder why I thought that would help. I dried it with the hair dryer. I took it apart and put it back together. I squeezed it. I recharged it. It made a buzzing sound and got very hot. I plugged it into the recharger thing. It got very hot. I unplugged it and took it apart again. I stayed in this first responder mode, trying to breathe life into it for about 20 minutes. Finally, I made the call. One cell phone. Dead at 11:47 am.
Luckily this was a phone and not a person. I wondered about my helpless bumbling in the face of a critical moment. I wondered about my tendency to proceed from somewhat rational responses to declining reason, eventually resorting to bizarre, unproductive measures.
I have seen people unravel at the computer in this short circuit mode, hitting every button and key, long past rational thinking.
When something goes wrong I try everything I know and when that doesn't work, I try everything else. And I find myself asking the cell phone "what should I do? Are you in there?? Help!"

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