Friday, November 9, 2007

Berringer Lexicon

Whenever I attempt to go through a box in my studio, I find lists of words. This practice of lists began to appear on interior covers of books from my undergraduate reading. This habit of noting words and phrases while reading persists invarious forms throughout my life. Some words: equality, parity, fair, same, equal, quid pro quo, appear on the same scrap of paper, indicating a fleeting, yet obsessive need to discriminate the subtleties of meaning in a word set.
In practice, these groups ofwords come enter my studio work. I spend so much time alone working that a jumble of words can influence my perception of space as well as the resonance of an image.
The whereness, or time place of words and objects has always held meaning as a mutable thing, something that could easily change in an unexpected or arbitrary way.
the illusive nature of word/object meaning
Inter dependent yet not entirely dependent on the context of time, space, the specificity of words used within the dictionary hierarchy of use, the meaning of words, diluted by custom or use, seem to have a trajectory independent of current lexicon. The wikipedia phenomena is further deomonstration of the elusive nature of meaning wherever it falls in the equation of sign, signal, signifier.
So here is the list so far.
partita, reefing, fishing for minnows, return to life, conjuring, a place apart, signs, sounding, empty set, ordered field, breakaway, a twitch upon the thread, distant lands, wall relief, cut from the cloth, elements of change, passing, plotted points, sky sign, moving on, news from home, hellas, toward home, allegheny ridge, arbitrary constants, from fire, tantalus, caveat, savage tribes pursue their games, red shift, more proof, conjuring, accelerated motion, bounded sequence, eloquent field, odd function, steady state, fluctuating field, parting, keeping still, roma, meridian, morning coat, paper piece, shale, soleil, morning light, ariadne, portal, courante, journey east, gathering storm, marina, ariel, io, dream sequence, song bird, potpourri, passing through, passing, night song, light of venice, bird of paradise, atom of that infinite space, fly fishing, within the limit, recollection, soft synapse, conversation piece, a series of false starts, sorbet, winnowing, back to basics, beryl, copse, chaff, dancing in the wind, driving behind trucks, awakening, colorado spinner, soft at dawn, conventional signs, glimpse of forgotten dreams, aggregate, delicate balance, softly in dreams, a piece of jade, passage, melon, flotsam, bronze age, within the limit, dreams of sleeping innocence, becoming mirth, passing through, night fishing, echo, maiden voyage, passageway, celebration, corridor, entry, impasse, journey, totem, out of silence, sea shadow, point of crossing, tablet, blue mist, tag along, parting in dreams, dream image, shell, hidden rites, out of silence, casseopeia, lake at the foot of the mountain, clotho, free variable, threshold, paper piece, lure, turning point, cantus, catching golden carp, shaman, eustace, the shrimp and the anemone, brazier, after strange gods, unknown depth, moki robe, silence and tear, ritual and the chase, passage to xanthus, byzantia, corfu, medea, procession, bell at dawn, snake catcher, rain prism, sun drop, wanderer, aquarelle, rain dancer, l’oiseau, papillon, hebrides, paper fan, morning song, rain outside, kites in the sky, celebration, in transit, departure, nexus, driving behind trucks, flotsam, solstice, street totem, pace of change, hidden rites, unfinished game, far cry, razor reef, marina, panoply, last look, evening fan, miranda, whisper, bleeding sky, distant shore, sandstone impression, maple sugar, first frost, autumn light, last look, coming back, paper shades, breaking through, retreat, quiet reflection, parting, distance, argos, sky high, water mark, allegro non troppo, cantabile, conteza, masque, brandy, aire, vestige, paper plinth, napery fragment, barbican, vestige, echo, corsair, passé partout, related parts, paper partita, paper lattice, a solemn fugue, tweeter, related parts, chiri kimono to be worn at dawn, largo from vivaldi’s concerto in d minor opus 525, paper raiment for late morning, children of the game, wind fencing, beryl, baby’s dance, aquamarine, lullaby, fandango, birth/rebirth, ribbing, battens, gift of light, landscape allegory, farrago, mousse, between dog and wolf, sleepless nights, regalia, distant sound of flute and harp, rose quartz, soft oat dawn, time and the hour, elegy, polydore, bandalino, markings, palinurus, time line, arion, chamber, en passant, dig, signs, markings, run to ground, moon tide, toward knowing, samos, resting in, from fire, no dominion, in dwelling, grain in the stone, foundation, canto, time and tide, interlude, orestes, presage, madrigal, witness, stele, karras, last chance, signs of rain, ozymandius, passing, andromeda, paredros, palisade, tracks, that which region, mariner, no strange land, andromache, house of silence, what about blue, surface to air, iron and silk, vanadinate, easement, stargazer, yellow cord, raj, shifting fields, ritual and the chase, after long years, out catching snakes, shadow of vesuvius, venetian glass, measure for measure, signs of life, a world away, mixed message, sotto voce, portia, beyond the reef, divining, fascinator, astraea, stargazer, perseus, cassandra, atropos, making plans, crucible, morning coat, after strange gods, roma, out of silence, amaranthe, fox fire, alluvial strata, balancing act, spinner, left behind, moment in rest, sybil, red sails, tawny port, between two dogs, distant lands, a message so sent, break away, sounding, secrets of the sea, odd lot, rime, odd function, a dream of fish, moon mirror, firm foundation, news from home, easement, muse, elements of change, wall relief, partita, time line, time and tide, ephemera, tracery, urbino, foundation, conversation, designation, in three parts, three rivers, within the sky, on point, kinship, wash in, soft space, netuna, ostia, marina antica, pacare, poesia, favored circumstance, recit, ariel, tropism, measure of space, in the balance, within the sky, porta marina, caberia, ostia, foundation, charter, trastevere, rain dance, wanderer, divertissement, tag along, accelerated motion, the sea obscure, bounded sequence, pavan, galliard, manon, poco a poco, resting in, of empires lost, storm sign, foundation, and the sea, milos, gigue, allman, gavotte, bourree, correctness, soft harmony, straight on, traveler, mistral, the dream the journey, arbitrary constants, the sky above the sea below, from far, remainder, collected together, moment in rest, legacy, safe to sea, yellow jack, on one, at the edge, markings, cyclamen, elemental nature, citrone, fragment, fourth chamber, unaccustomed path, new conditions arising, shift in the field, familiar aspect, difficulties along the way, series of false starts, blue space sky, red banner blue, fresh trout, impulse, point of charge, blue topaz, between tides, dream journals.

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